Saturday, 22 February 2025

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is our top priority.

This privacy policy directs how Smart Industry News (we) use and keeps any information that you provide us when you use our website (

We are fully committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. When you are requested to provide certain information based on which you will be identified while using the website, we assure you that we will adhere to the below privacy statement.

What information and data we collect?

We collect and store personal information such as name, email address, phone number, company name, job title and others, that you may provide while signing up for our services, or using different features provided on our website, subscribe to the newsletter, visit or register to our website (

We also collect non-personally identifiable information via cookies and third-party programs for collecting information related to IP Address, location, browser, operating system and access times etc. Cookies are also used to record session information and visits on certain pages, which will help us to track and target users and enhance their website experience.

In case you do not want cookies stored on your computer, you can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. What do we do with the information?

The personal information you share with us will be used to contact you regarding your query or marketing of products that may be of interest to you. Your information may also be shared with third parties for arranging delivery or product, validating payment information or for regulatory/legal purposes.

The information and data collected by us are not used for any other purposes apart from the above stated, and we never sell any personal information to any third party.

We use collected variety of information related to our customers and site usage, to optimize our website performance and personalize the experience for our clients.

If you wish not to contacted by us, you can unsubscribe by sending an email to with Unsubscribe in the subject line.

We disclose the collected data and information only to the designated personals and service/solution providers within and outside our organization. We may also disclose data and information if required by law and federal agencies. Information and data protection

The data and information collected are stored in secured systems and servers owned by us or managed by the designated third party. We use various apt data collection, storage and processing practices to safeguard information against unauthorized access and alteration.

The information and data collected will be retained until it serves the purposes for which it was collected, and users have right to rectify, erase, and restrict the use of their personal data and withdraw its consent regarding the processing of any personal information.

We do not entertain any request, sell research products and provide services to minors (below age 18). Changes in the policy

We regularly update the privacy policy in accordance with changes in the governing law, and updated privacy policy is published on this website regularly.

If you have any question or query regarding the policy, please contact us at